How to Inspire a Love of Reading

How to Inspire a Love of Reading

The beloved book is facing a tough gig. In this technology world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to compete with all things digital. I am seeing more children disinterested in reading and more interested in playing video games or watching tiktok on their devices. 

A question that I often get from parents is...

'How do I help inspire my child to read?'

Below, I have included a number of hot tips that I recommend for families and teachers. 


As a family, take trips to the local library or bookstore. Get your child involved in choosing books, make it exciting and a part of something that you routinely do. 


Make sure your child is selecting a book within their capability. If you have a reluctant reader and stretch them beyond their means, it may put them off reading. Choose something light and achievable. Have a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts available. Throw in a couple of books about farts and poos...especially if it is going to motivate them to read. Also, it's important to note that if a child wants to read a book (over and over and over again) let them. Reading a book more than once is beneficial as it helps with word recognition and allows children to feel comfort with its familiarity. 

Make sure the books are relative and that a child can connect with them. Nothing pains me more than when a teacher prescribes a novel to a student that has been written in the 1940's and uses language that is dull and painful. 


This one is simple. Monkey see, monkey do. 


Head to bed early, snuggle down and create a relaxing routine with your child. In a perfect world this sounds like bliss. But by the evening, it is often the last thing a parent feels like doing. I know, I have been there too. 

If you can't find a scrap of energy at this time you could try...

  • Change up the routine and make breakfast time story time.
  • Throw on an audio book.
  •  If your child is old enough get them to read to you. 


When sharing a book, get involved with the text. Ask questions. This reading comprehension pack has plenty of questions that you can ask your child on. This can also help with their reading comprehension. 


Set a time that technology needs to be switched off. If the devices aren't available, they are more likely to turn to something else for entertainment. 


Overall, at times it can feel like an impossible task to help our children enjoy reading. Try and enjoy the process and don't be too hard on yourself.  Education really is a beautiful process. 

If you have any other tips, feel free to add them in the comments below. 


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